
iStow User Testimonials

Explore stories, experiences, and testimonials from users who are delighted after using the best solution from iStow. Now it’s your turn.

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"The iStow program has been highly beneficial for vessel stowage planning needs. Here are the feedback's:1. One of the major benefits highlighted by the Chief Officers is the iStow program's pre-plan functionality. It allows them to create stowage plans in advance, eliminating last-minute rushes and providing ample time for adjustments and optimizations. 2. It provides a streamlined interface and user-friendly features that allow for swift and accurate planning. 3. The program's ability to generate cargo manifests has been praised by the Chief Officers. This feature provides a comprehensive overview of the cargo on board, ensuring easier tracking and monitoring: -Can capture discrepancies declared vs actual RCs on-board. -Can use this tool for monitoring of consumable items like Fuel, lubes and fresh water (Fuel oil and materials department can benefit to this istow program. -Can use this for incident investigation. -Provide 2D and 3D stowage plan. 4. It provides detailed information on the distribution of cargo, ensuring optimal weight distribution and stability of the vessel. 5. It boasts an impressive accuracy rate of 95%, providing reliable information for making informed decisions and minimizing errors or miscalculations. - this is the report of Capt Laher"

Mary Ann Pastrana

President of Archipelago Philippines Ferry Corporation (APFC), Manila (11/12/2023)

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"iStow... wow cool it has been internationally certified. But what's cooler and more amazing is the initiator, my friend, Dr. Setyo Nugroho. Continue to develop innovation for a Great Indonesia..."

Prof. Dr. Sri Tutie Rahayu

Chairman of the Senate, Indonesian Maritime Polytechnic (Polimarin), Semarang (14/09/2023)

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"The latest iStow version 2.5 is amazingly easy to use. In fact, even our practitioner lecturers who don't often use IT can use it smoothly."

Charles Pesurnay

Direktur Akademi Maritim Maluku (AMM), Ambon (12/09/2023)

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"Application of iStow Prevent Sinking Ships The cause of the sinking of the ship was stability problems. This is where iStow's role is really needed. iStow is a software for planning ship loading. Later iStow will be applied to all ships in Indonesia"

Dr Ir Soerjanto Tjahjono

Ketua Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) (13/03/2023)

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"As the leader of the Indonesian Navy, I express my gratitude and high appreciation because it is very beneficial for the Indonesian Navy."

Laksamana Yudo Margono, S.E., M.M.

Head of Navy Staff, Surabaya (26/06/2022)

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"iStow, the result of the nation's research. Those who have worked focused and militant in their field, have successfully conquered three oceans. International certifications from all corners of the world. Proudly representing Indonesia. Gubernau... Gubernau..."

Said Firman

Reviewer from Institut Teknologi Bandung (20/06/2022)

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"The operation of iStow is very easy because of the simple and clear menus; hopefully, it can be used on National and International ships."

Chief Ridwan

Chief Officer MV. Meratus Medan 1

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"The long journey of PT.PDT (Pranala Digital Transmaritim) to obtain the type-approved certificate for iStow for Stability & Strength aspects from LR is very lengthy. Many corrections and improvements were made to achieve accurate results. LR conducted reviews for each calculation presented in every condition, and with this unwavering spirit and hard work, iStow finally succeeded in obtaining the type-approved certificate ready for use. Now it is the initial step forward, and the challenges ahead are to maintain the iStow program as reliable for the coming years. iStow will be retested in 3 or 4 years during the certificate review."

N.R. Fahmi

Chief Representative Lloyd Register Indonesia (18/06/2022)

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"iStow is very helpful to calculate work quickly, all ship data just enter continue to click out results we have monitoring at the end of loading with draft survey to make sure the weight of container load is correct in accordance with the previously accepted loading list."

Capt. Djoko Soebekti

Master KM. Kendhaga Nusantara 11, PT. PELNI (Persero) (16/02/2022)

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"I have reviewed it, and the results are satisfying. The system is very user-friendly, making it very convenient for users.."

Mitra Perlindungan

Chief Officer in PT. Soechi Lines Tbk (19/08/2021)

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"I miss iStow. I was a certified trainer when I was teaching at the previous campus, especially for container and tanker modules. Hopefully, someday Politeknik Bumi Akpelni will have the opportunity to adopt this incredibly cool technology.*At the "2nd National Seminar on Maritime and Interdisciplinary Studies""

Capt. Cahya Fajar Budi Hartanto, M.Mar., M.Si

Director of Politeknik Bumi Akpelni, Semarang (25/07/2020)

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"This application helps us in organizing planning regarding cargo arrangement and voyage costs. With this application, I can learn and gain knowledge with terms that I didn't know before. Perhaps if I can delve deeper into learning, I will enjoy this application more as it is very helpful in my work."

Firman Bayu

Politeknik Maritim Negeri Indonesia

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"In my opinion, the iStow and VE (Voyage Estimator) applications are very helpful in the world of work, especially in the field of ship loading and unloading. It would be better if this system is introduced to all shipping companies in Indonesia because now we are entering Industry 4.0, which emphasizes technology in all fields."


Politeknik Maritim Negeri Indonesia

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"Representing customers/users on the iStow application used on the MT. Edricko 11 ship, they feel satisfied and find it very helpful in determining safe and well-documented loading plans."

Amrin Siolimbong

Chief Officer MT. Edricko 11, Lamongan (17/02/2020)

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"Use of iStow can assist in calculating ship stability. Additionally, the iStow program can serve as a reference for developments in the maritime industry, especially in Indonesia. It is a national creation that should be further developed. iStow is easily applicable on break bulk ships, allowing for quick adjustments to loading plans with a relatively effective turnaround time. A suggestion for iStow is to make the program lighter in terms of system requirements, ensuring it is not limited to specific computer specifications."

Yonnex Yogatama Y.

Chief Officer MV. Multi Express, Gresik (05/02/2020)

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"iStow is already good, and the results are quite accurate and close to the actual figures. The addition of the ullage report is also helpful. I have started operating iStow, although there is still a need for further learning."

Mega Rante Tampang

Chief Officer MT. Edricko 11, Gresik (02/03/2019)

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"The calculation results from iStow are in line with the calculations from MOSES used for stability calculations. This has been proven in the loadout work for the "Meliwis" jacket and topside owned by Ophir-Medco in Manyar, Gresik."

Ir. Murdjito, MSc.Eng.

Loadout Engineer (01/06/2019)

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