" class="testimonial-item">
"iStow is very useful for ship loading planning, from the planning process to cargo optimization."
Mary Ann Pastrana
President of Archipelago Philippines Ferry Corporation (APFC), Manila (11/12/2023)
" class="testimonial-item">
"iStow is internationally certified and continues to innovate for Indonesia."
Prof. Dr. Sri Tutie Rahayu
Chairman of the Senate, Indonesian Maritime Polytechnic (Polimarin), Semarang (14/09/2023)
" class="testimonial-item">
"iStow is very user-friendly; even new users can operate it smoothly."
Charles Pesurnay
Direktur Akademi Maritim Maluku (AMM), Ambon (12/09/2023)
" class="testimonial-item">
"iStow as cargo planning software is crucial in preventing ships from sinking due to stability issues."
Dr. Ir. Soerjanto Tjahjono
Ketua Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) (13/03/2023)
" class="testimonial-item">
"iStow is very beneficial for the Indonesian Navy."
Laksamana Yudo Margono, S.E., M.M.
Head of Navy Staff, Surabaya (26/06/2022)
" class="testimonial-item">
"iStow is a pride for Indonesia as it has been internationally certified."
Said Firman
Reviewer from Institut Teknologi Bandung (20/06/2022)
" class="testimonial-item">
"Simple and clear interface of iStow greatly facilitates user operation."
Chief Ibnu
Chief Officer MV. Meratus Medan 1 (05/10/2021)
" class="testimonial-item">
"Stability & strength calculations by iStow have been extensively tested by LR, iStow must remain reliable for the future."
N.R. Fahmi
Chief Representative Lloyd Register Indonesia (18/06/2022)
" class="testimonial-item">
"iStow helps in quickly calculating to monitor draft survey & cargo compliance with the loading list."
Capt. Djoko Soebekti
Master KM. Kendhaga Nusantara 11, PT. PELNI (Persero) (16/02/2022)
" class="testimonial-item">
"iStow is made to greatly facilitate users in its operation."
Mitra Perlindungan
Chief Officer in PT. Soechi Lines Tbk (19/08/2021)
" class="testimonial-item">
"By using iStow, Politeknik Bumi Akpelni also has the opportunity to adopt an extraordinary and cool technology."
Capt. Cahya Fajar Budi Hartanto, M.Mar., M.Si
Director of Politeknik Bumi Akpelni, Semarang (25/07/2020)
" class="testimonial-item">
"iStow helps in organizing planning for cargo arrangement and voyage costs, thus greatly assisting in the work."
Firman Bayu
Politeknik Maritim Negeri Indonesia
" class="testimonial-item">
"iStow is very helpful in the loading and unloading process. In the era of Industry 4.0, every shipping company should be familiar with iStow."
Politeknik Maritim Negeri Indonesia
" class="testimonial-item">
"iStow is very helpful in determining safe and well-documented loading planning; I am satisfied."
Amrin Siolimbong
Chief Officer MT. Edricko 11, Lamongan (17/02/2020)
" class="testimonial-item">
"iStow can serve as a reference in Indonesia. It can be applied easily, with a relatively effective time frame."
Yonnex Yogatama Y.
Chief Officer MV. Multi Express, Gresik (05/02/2020)
" class="testimonial-item">
"Results from iStow match the actual figures, and the ullage report feature is very helpful for me."
Mega Rante Tampang
Chief Officer MT. Edricko 11, Gresik (02/03/2019)
" class="testimonial-item">
"Stability calculation results from iStow are in accordance with the calculations from MOSES, proven for the loadout calculation of the jacket and topside."
Ir. Murdjito, MSc.Eng.
Loadout Engineer (01/06/2019)
iStow Variant
iStow is a cutting-edge loading software for ships that offers powerful features to enhance cargo stowage operations.
Why iStow?

iStow is certifified by National and International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) members.

Smooth operations are achieved establishing a synergy between iStow facilities and existing systems.

High precision of ship’s stability and strength calculations could be assisted effectively with iStow.

Load Fast. Global Trust, FastLoad.
FastLoad is a versatile cargo stowage planning software specially designed to streamline the ship planning process and facilitate efficient cargoes data processing.