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Are loading software and stowage planning software the same?
Yes, it same!
What are the benefits of using stowage planning software?
The system boasts a low error rate and high accuracy in calculating ship stability, ensuring there are no financial losses due to miscalculations or human errors. As a result, the process becomes more effective, faster, and safer.
Is it true that stowage planning software improves shipping safety?
Using stowage planning software can improve shipping safety, because most accidents are caused by humans and improper loading of ships.
What are the advantages of iStow compared to other products for shipping in Indonesia, ASEAN and World?
Service is more affordable, offering 24-hour customer support and technicians available around the clock. It also provides assistance with class certification related to iStow, ensuring smooth compliance. Additionally, users benefit from a lifetime warranty, enhancing the overall value of the service.
What does iStow can do?
iStow offers powerful features to enhance cargo stowage operations. With advanced optimization algorithms, real-time monitoring, and user-friendly interface, iStow maximizes cargo utilization, ensures compliance with safety regulations.
Is iStow only usable for container ships?
No, iStow can be used for almost all types of ships. You can view the iStow variants here.
What type of CPU and operating system does iStow support?
iStow is only supported on 64-bit CPUs, at least a Core i3 or Ryzen 3 processor and 64-bit operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. For optimal performance, iStow requires approximately 4GB of free RAM to run efficiently.
What screen resolution is required for iStow?
iStow is designed to work with a screen resolution of at least 1280×800 px. Using a lower resolution may result in parts of the interface being cut off. If your screen resolution is lower than 1280×800 px, some parts of iStow’s interface may be cut off. For the best experience, use a monitor with the recommended resolution.
Are the safety criteria for maritime operations set internationally? If so, by whom?
Shipping safety criteria set and regulated by IMO (International Maritime Organization).
Which ships are required by the IMO to use loading software? When?
Starting January 1, 2016, all cargo, oil, chemical and gas tankers are required to install stowage planning software. Other types of ships immediately put into effect gradually.
Are Indonesian ships required to follow the IMO regulations?
IMO requires that ships must be equipped with loading software or stowage planning software, including Indonesian ships.
What are the consequences if ships do not use loading software?
The risk of inaccurate calculations for ship stability and longitudinal strength can lead to a higher likelihood of accidents. Additionally, clearance at international ports that require loading software will become challenging without appropriate systems in place. This, in turn, can result in financial losses from delays, cargo damage, and potential accidents.
How to calculate intact stability?
The calculation of intact stability refers to the rules and formulas that have been made by the IACS (International Association of Classification Society), namely the IACS Rules L5.
How to calculate bending moments & shear forces?
Calculation of bending moments & shear forces refers to the rules of the Bureau of Classification.
What are the IMO safety criteria?
IMO safety criteria include:
• Mandatory regulations regarding ship stability for all types of ships or specific ones. (IMO’s intact stability guideline A.749)
• Regulations regarding the calculation of stability due to weather influences. (IMO’s Weather criterion guidelines A.749, Chapter 3.2)
• Regulation on ship stability due to leaks (MARPOL 73/78, Reg. 28)
Who guarantees the results of ship stability and strength calculations in stowage planning?
Guaranteed by the Classification Bureau according to the class of ship.