ITS Grants iStow to Facilitate Loading on KRI Teluk Bintuni-520

16 December 2021

Penandatanganan serah terima hibah iStow dari ITS untuk TNI-AL yang dilakukan oleh Wakil Rektor IV ITS Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD (kanan) dan Wakil Komandan Satlinlamil II Letkol (P) Supriadi (2021). Photo: Komunikasi Publik ITS

Kampus ITS, ITS News – Stability is a crucial factor in the loading process on ships, as any errors in cargo arrangement can lead to hazards while sailing. To support this, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) granted an innovative software called iStow to KRI Teluk Bintuni-520 on Wednesday (December 15).

iStow, developed by the ITS team, is capable of automatically planning the ship’s loading process and preventing mismatches in cargo arrangement according to the applicable International Maritime Organization (IMO) criteria. Lieutenant Colonel (P) Supriadi, Deputy Commander of the Military Sea Crossing Unit (Satlinlamil) II, emphasized the importance of proper cargo arrangement in maritime transport to ensure the cargo does not compromise the ship’s stability. “Any errors in cargo arrangement can cause hazards when the ship is at sea,” he explained.

ITS Innovation for the Community

Meanwhile, ITS Vice-Rector IV, Bambang Pramujati ST. MSc. Eng. PhD stated that as a technological institution, ITS has the responsibility to develop technology in the country. Therefore, ITS continues to innovate and expand the use of technology, especially those that can benefit the community. One such innovation is iStow, which can reduce the likelihood of ship accidents due to improper cargo loading. “Utilizing iStow can enhance ship safety by improving cargo arrangement, making the ship more stable,” he said during the handover ceremony aboard KRI Teluk Bintuni-520, which was docked at the Military Sea Crossing Unit II headquarters, Surabaya.

Tampilan antar muka perangkat lunak iStow, rancangan ITS, untuk KRI Teluk Bintuni-520

Tampilan antar muka perangkat lunak iStow, rancangan ITS, untuk KRI Teluk Bintuni-520 (2021). Photo: Pranala Digital Transmaritim

iStow’s Role in Ship Safety

At the same event, Dr.-Ing. Ir. Setyo Nugroho, Head of the ITS Department of Marine Transportation Engineering and the creator of iStow, revealed that iStow is a software designed to facilitate and reduce human error in the ship’s loading process. This software can be operated collaboratively and simultaneously and can be integrated with other software. Nationally and internationally certified, iStow boasts several advantages as a homegrown software. One of its key features is the precise stability calculation without human intervention. Additionally, iStow includes visual and audio alarms to alert users if any safety criteria are violated. “If any IMO regulations are breached, the software will trigger an alarm to prevent accidents at sea,” he explained.

Penyerahan cinderamata dari Komandan KRI Teluk Bintuni 520 Letkol Laut (P) Agung Aribowo (kiri) kepada ITS yang diwakilkan oleh Wakil Rektor IV ITS Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD (2021). Photo: Komunikasi Publik ITS

Yoyok, as he is affectionately known, expressed hope that this iStow grant symbolizes the bond of brotherhood and friendship between ITS and the Indonesian Navy. “We hope that iStow, as a token of affection from ITS to the Indonesian Navy, will bring benefits,” he said. During the iStow handover ceremony, Lieutenant Colonel (P) Supriadi also acknowledged the software as a positive breakthrough for the Indonesian Navy, particularly for Naval ships. Supriadi also expressed his hope for iStow’s application to other Naval ships. “We hope that in the future, iStow can be applied and bring benefits to all Naval ships,” he stated optimistically. (HUMAS ITS)

Foto bersama jajaran pimpinan ITS dengan TNI-AL di atas KRI Teluk Bintuni-520 seusai acara serah terima hibah iStow (2021). Photo: Komunikasi Publik ITS

Reporter: Ricardo Hokky Wibisono
