Pramarin Ready to Explore Maritime Potential and Scientific Research

31 October 2022 | This article was published with the titlePramarin Siap Eksplorasi Potensi Maritim, Tawarkan Teknologi dan Kajian Ilmiah | by Rayendra L. Toruan


PRAMARIN Members (2022). Photo: mmIndustri

Pramarin is ready to explore maritime potential through research and technology. Indonesian Maritime Practitioners, which consist of 250 member companies, are determined to advance Indonesia’s maritime sector toward achieving the World Maritime Axis. The business potential and job opportunities are enormous.

Marine Economy and Maritime Economy

Indonesia’s maritime potential is extraordinary. This potential can be explored through marine economy and maritime economy activities—providing business opportunities and job prospects. Marine economy activities are conducted in coastal, sea, and land areas—utilizing natural resources through technologies suited to marine needs, encompassing both goods and services. Meanwhile, maritime economy activities include supporting industries such as sea transportation, shipbuilding and maintenance industries, port development and operations, as well as supporting industries, and related services like logistics.

Indonesia’s maritime potential is truly remarkable and requires human resources (HR) and technology—both hardware and software—to produce economic products. Examples include a variety of fish in marine waters, mangrove forests, coral reefs, seaweed, oil and gas, minerals, sea transportation, marine parks, scenic beaches, ocean currents (renewable energy), and many other economic by-products as long as stakeholders are creative and innovative.

One source of professional HR, technology, and management that can turn maritime potential into economic products is Pramarin, short for Praktisi Maritim Indonesia. According to Pramarin Secretary General, Hutakemri Ali Samad, the organization, led by Dr. Datep Purwa Saputra as Chairman, hopes to recommend a number of scientific studies and ideas to advance Indonesia’s maritime sector towards becoming a World Maritime Axis.

Participation in Exhibitions

Five companies from 250 members participated in an exhibition aimed at disseminating product/service information—while enhancing global market branding through the Inamarine/Inacoating/Inawelding expo organized by GEM Indonesia. Although the performance of the 250 companies has not yet been evaluated by Pramarin, said Hutakemri Ali Samad, the products and services from the members are the top choices for maritime industry players in Indonesia and ASEAN. Examples of exhibitors include PT. Pranala Digital Transmaritim which offers the product Stowage Planning Software – iStow and PT. Cahaya Karya Bhakti Samudra, with its Under Water Survey product. Other products include PT. Arya Prawira, which relates to Shipping and Logistic Movement, PT. Kemenangan, which offers Safety Equipment, and ShipAps software application—a marketplace for maritime products and services.

Pramarin Goals and Contributions

Pramarin Secretary General, Hutakemri Ali Samad, emphasized that the organization strives to enhance the capabilities and business activities of all its members and unite practitioners in the maritime field operating in Indonesia to foster communication. This, according to Ali, a father of two daughters, enables them to collaborate to enhance their roles and provide clear direction, ensuring contributions are made with the highest and most optimal quality. The organization is also consistently working to voice the capabilities of maritime practitioners in Indonesia in an integrated manner and to contribute sustainably to Indonesia’s maritime economy. “We are assisting the government in creating economic growth through increased national trade and international exports via sea routes,” said Hutakemri Ali Samad. Apart from railway land transportation, the government envisions making Indonesia the world’s maritime axis.

Government Commitment to Shipbuilding Industry Development

According to GEM Indonesia, the exhibition organizer, the government is strongly committed to developing the shipbuilding industry—this presents opportunities for maritime industry players to grow their businesses and provide job opportunities for millions of young people. President Joko Widodo has targeted optimizing sea transportation, mandating that state-owned enterprises (BUMN) and other maritime institutions purchase ships from domestic shipyards. Building a maritime axis aims to achieve inter-island connectivity, develop the shipbuilding and fisheries industries, improve sea transportation, and enhance maritime security.

If Indonesia can establish itself as a maritime nation, then we must build infrastructure between islands and along the coasts of each island—this presents a vast business opportunity. According to Pramarin’s blueprint, public policy frameworks designed correctly and aimed at removing processes that hinder industrial competitiveness will encourage policymakers, industry players, and the public to achieve the expected goals. Meanwhile, institutional frameworks that are functionally and processually accurate will promote institutional effectiveness aligned with the organization’s direction. The established fields are part of the organization’s strategy to achieve its objectives.

The institutional structure of Pramarin includes the Maritime Public Policy Sector, led by two Deputy Chairpersons I and II, and the Public Policy Implementation Sector, led by Deputy Chairperson III. The Organizational Business Sector is led by Deputy Chairperson IV. Each sector is led by one Head of Sector and two members (Practitioners, Industry Players & Professionals); other coordinating bodies include the Board of Protectors, Board of Supervisors, Board of Advisors, Board of Sponsors, and the Expert Council.