Ready for Wider Implementation, ITS Hands Over iStow to KNKT

01 Maret 2023

Dr Ing Ir Setyo Nugroho, Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD, Dr Ir Soerjanto Tjahjono, dan Agam Bayu Suryanto saat prosesi Serah Terima Hasil Inovasi iStow kepada KNKT di ITS

(from left) Dr.-Ing. Ir. Setyo Nugroho, Bambang Pramujati, S.T., M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D, Dr. Ir. Soerjanto Tjahjono, and Agam Bayu Suryanto, SE., MBA. during the handover ceremony of the iStow innovation to KNKT at ITS (2023). Photo: ITS

After gaining international recognition since its inception in 2006, iStow developed by Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) as Indonesia’s only homegrown stowage planning software, now has the opportunity to be implemented more widely within the country. This step was formalized through the handover of the iStow innovation to the Chairman of the Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) at the ITS Rectorate Building on Friday (Feb. 24).

KNKT Chairman Dr. Ir. Soerjanto Tjahjono warmly welcomed the responsibility entrusted by ITS. According to Soerjanto, in Indonesia’s maritime sector, iStow, as a software for planning ship loading, will soon be applicable to all ships that set sail across the country.

“The main issue in current ship sinking cases is stability, which is where iStow plays a crucial role,” he explained.

iStow’s Collaboration with LPDP

As one of iStow primary supporters, Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP), represented by Head of the Cooperation and Scholarship Development Division Agam Bayu Suryanto, SE., MBA., emphasized their ongoing support for iStow and KNKT.

“LPDP takes pride in contributing to iStow successful development thus far. We remain open to future research opportunities and potential advancements,” he stated.

Dr Ir Soerjanto Tjahjono

KNKT Chairman Dr. Ir. Soerjanto Tjahjono gave remarks during iStow innovation handover at the ITS Rectorate Building (2023). Photo: ITS

Meanwhile, iStow Project Leader Dr.-Ing. Ir. Setyo Nugroho shared that iStow currently holds multiple international certifications with high credibility, supporting its claim to global safety recognition.

“iStow uses stability and strength calculations that align with International Maritime Organization (IMO) safety criteria,” stated the Head of the Marine Transportation Engineering Department at ITS.

Dr. Nugroho elaborated further, stating that many Indonesian ships still do not use standardized load calculation methods, which leads to high human error risks and calculations that often do not meet safety standards. This, in turn, has contributed to frequent maritime accidents.

Echoing this, the KNKT Chairman acknowledged that current stowage planning is largely manual, with a high rate of errors. iStow’s role presents both a promising opportunity and a new challenge for Indonesia’s maritime sector.

“iStow benefits from digital transformation, making the stowage planning process much faster,” he remarked.

Vice-Rector IV of ITS Bambang Pramujati, S.T., M.Sc.Eng., made remarks before the iStow handover to KNKT (2023). Photo: ITS

TS Vice-Rector IV for Research, Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni Relations Bambang Pramujati, ST MSc Eng PhD, explained that during the approximately 17-year development of iStow, LPDP has provided significant support that has been utilized effectively. “This support has also enabled the optimization of iStow’s development,” he said.

Regarding iStow’s future prospects, Bambang stated that ITS needs more industrial partners to realize this innovation’s goal of improving maritime safety. “This is where ITS believes that KNKT can make more progressive and comprehensive use of iStow,” he added optimistically. (HUMAS ITS)