iStow Tanker for MT. Permata Pioneer
09 August 2022

Instalasi iStow pada kapal MT. Permata Pioneer (2022). Photo: Pranala Digital Transmaritim
Another tanker with a capacity of 8000 DWT has been equipped with iStow, MT. Permata Pioneer, a chemical tanker, had iStow Tanker installed on Tuesday, August 9, 2022, at Merak Port. iStow Tanker on MT. Permata Pioneer is expected to optimize cargo arrangement during vessel operations. Installation of iStow on MT. Permata Pioneer serves as evidence of compliance with the requirements of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) as stated in IACS UR S1 “Apply to all classed sea-going ships of 65m in length and above which are contracted for construction on or after 1st July 1998 and contain minimum requirements for loading guidance information“.
In the delivery and installation of iStow Tanker for MT. Permata Pioneer, certification was also conducted by the Indonesian Classification Bureau as a form of quality control for iStow. The intact stability, damage stability (by limiting KG), and longitudinal strength features on iStow Tanker MT. Permata Pioneer have been certified by the Badan Klasifikasi Indonesia (Indonesian Classification Bureau).
Before delivery, internal testing was conducted on each iStow to ensure compliance with criteria referring to IACS UR L5 regulations. This is an obligation for iStow to pass with regulations that have been agreed upon and applied internationally.
General Information
- Vessel Name: Permata Pioneer
- IMO number: 9246944
- Ship Type: Oil Tanker Ship
- Flag: Indonesia
- Year of Build: 2002
- Length Overall (m): 113.98
- Length BP (m): 108.50
- Beam (m): 18.20
- Depth (m): 9.65