iStow Support for Online SPB (Port Clearance) Implementation
The safety of Indonesian maritime navigation deserves more attention. All parties involved in improving maritime safety should adhere to established regulations, both international and national.
International regulations on ship safety have been issued by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and Indonesia has ratified IMO rules on Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and Maritime Pollution (MARPOL). Minister of Transportation Regulation number 44/2021 on Ship Stability has detailed the stability calculations that all ships must comply with. The current state of compliance with national and international ship operations regulations falls short of expectations.
In this era, where information technology is increasingly advanced and accessible, compliance with regulations should not be difficult. The facilitation is evident in the issuance of Minister of Transportation Regulation number 154/2015 on the online issuance of harbor master approval letters. This regulation is a manifestation of the government’s effort to enhance effective, efficient, and transparent harbor master approval services for industry players.

Illustration of the manual recording process (2022). Photo: Pranala Digital Transmaritim
Surat Persetujuan Berlayar (SPB) or online port clearance is a national document issued by the Harbor Master in the form of an electronic document to every ship preparing to sail. All parties involved in this system should pay attention to every process at the port to ensure effective and efficient operations.
The loading process for ferry/Ro-Ro ships takes approximately 15-20 minutes. After the last vehicle boards, the ship promptly closes the ramp door and departs within 2-5 minutes. This very brief process makes it practically impossible for any ship crew to prepare stability and strength calculations and clearances documents adequately.
iStow is the answer when every process at the port demands effective and efficient operations. From the loading arrangement process on the ship to the preparation of clearance documents, iStow ensures quick and real-time availability with calculation accuracy that has been certified by national and international classification institutions. As Indonesia’s loading computer, iStow is ready to support the government’s online port clearance program.
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