Granting of iStow Application Developed by ITS for KRI Bintuni

9 December 2022

Grant of the iStow Application Designed by ITS for KRI Teluk Bintuni

On December 15, 2021, ITS donated an application called iStow to Lieutenant Colonel Supriadi, Deputy Commander of the Second Military Sea Transport Unit, to facilitate loading operations on KRI Teluk Bintuni-520. iStow is a domestically developed storage planning software that has been internationally certified. It can automatically perform stability calculations based on a ship’s loading plan and prevent discrepancies with the criteria set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Lieutenant Colonel (P) Supriadi, Deputy Commander of the Second Military Sea Transport Unit (Satlinlamil), emphasized that cargo stowage arrangements in sea transport are essential to ensure that the cargo does not affect the ship’s stability. “If there is an error in stowage arrangements, it can pose a danger when the ship is sailing,” he explained.