iStow has been trusted and used by many leading companies in Indonesia, proving the quality and reliability of our loading computer product. This trust has enabled us to successfully enter the international market, and for the first time, iStow is being used by Archipelago Philippine Ferries Corporation, a ferry company based in Manila, Philippines.

This marks a significant milestone for us in expanding our global market, strengthening our position as a trusted solutions provider recognized not only domestically but also internationally. The iStow program is highly beneficial for the loading planning needs of one of APFC’s vessels, the Fastcat M19.

What is APFC Responses?

  1. One of the major benefits highlighted by the Chief Officers is the iStow program’s pre-plan functionality. It allows them to create stowage plans in advance, eliminating last-minute rushes and providing ample time for adjustments and optimizations.
  2. It provides a streamlined interface and user-friendly features that allow for swift and accurate planning.
  3. The program’s ability to generate cargo manifests has been praised by the Chief Officers. This feature provides a comprehensive overview of the cargo on board, ensuring easier tracking and monitoring:
    • Can capture discrepancies declared vs actual RCs on-board.
    • Can use this tool for monitoring of consumable items like Fuel, lubes and fresh water ( Fuel oil and materials department can benefit to this istow program.
    • Can use this for incident investigation.
    • Provide 2D and 3D stowage plan.
  4. It provides detailed information on the distribution of cargo, ensuring optimal weight distribution and stability of the vessel.
  5. It boasts an impressive accuracy rate of 95%, providing reliable information for making informed decisions and minimizing errors or miscalculations. – this is the report of Capt Laher