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The long journey of creating a loading computer product entirely developed by local talent has now reached an international standard. The combination of research, development, and experience has resulted in the latest version of iStow. And now, the time has come—very soon, the latest version, which will be familiarly known as iStow V2.5, will officially be launched.

The INAMARINE 2023 exhibition, to be held from August 23-25, 2023, at the Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran (JIExpo) in Kemayoran, will be the grand launching event for iStow V2.5. This event will also mark the official release of iStow V2.5 for ships using the iStow Loading Computer.

iStow V2.5, launching in this version, comes with more advanced technology, a fresher interface, and greater capabilities. With a new architecture, more efficient installation and maintenance, collaborative features, and expanded workspaces, iStow V2.5 offers new advantages for its users.

“iStow fresh version soon to be launched!”

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Date And Time

2023-08-23 @ 08:00 to
2023-08-25 @ 19:00

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